A little bit of theology, a little bit of practical stuff.


It is our conviction that worship is the central and primary action of the Christian life. Everything else we do as Christians flows out of our worship of the triune God.

Worship is, at its core, the people of God entering into the presence of God and joining a worship service that is always, unceasingly, in progress. In that sense, worship gives us a glimpse of the heavenly throne room and gives us communion with all the saints who have gone before us, who are part of this never-ending choir.

EVERYTHING we do is worship. Our lives are to be a living sacrifice of praise. Therefore, everything we do when we consider the things of God or give glory to him is “worship.” Music is worship, reading scripture aloud is worship, prayer is worship, preaching is worship, celebrating the Eucharist is worship. And that life of worship extends to every other aspect of life as we offer our daily lives to God and offer God to our lives in the world for his glory.


The best time to arrive at a church service is before the service starts. We recommend 15 minutes before the service time. This gives time for you to orient yourself to the space, look through our worship guide, meet some other people (if that's your thing), and prepare yourself to hear about Jesus.


Everything you need is printed in the Worship guide (i.e. bulletin, program, service guide), which is printed and distributed every Sunday.

There is a beauty to knowing, on any Sunday, that we are saying basically the same liturgy as tens of millions of Anglicans around the world, and countless more back through the centuries.

We are an Anglican Church, which means our services are collected from the Book of Common Prayer. The bulk of our liturgies date back to the 1500s, and their roots trace back in some cases to the early 1100s. The Eucharist liturgy has a narrative flow that moves from gathering in the presence of the Lord, acknowledging him as supreme, hearing from his Holy Word, confessing our sins and being assured of forgiveness, praying for our people, our church, our diocese, our city, and our world, and then receiving the Lord's Supper as a church family.


What do we wear?
Our clergy wear clerical shirts and a stole (colored scarf that drapes over the shoulders). Sometimes they wear dress pants, sometimes they wear jeans. Sometimes they put on full "vestments" (clerical robes), sometimes they don't.

What should you wear?
Wear something appropriate and comfortable. Don't wear something you can't kneel in (there are invitations to kneel in our service). There's nothing casual about entering into the presence of the resurrected King, but there's also no rule that says you have to put on a tie or a dress to do that, either. You will see people in jeans, dresses, t-shirts, button-downs, polos, flip-flops, sports-coats, etc. It's more about attitude than attire.


Christianity is a singing faith, and our service has a lot of singing. All the words you need are in the worship guide, but the tunes aren't in there. If you don't know the tune, don't feel pressure to sing. But remember this: it doesn't matter how well you sing; God delights in the singing of his people, even those of us who don't think we're "good" at it.


Also known as Eucharist (literally "giving thanks") or The Lord's Supper, this is one of the sacraments of the church that has been practiced since Jesus himself instituted it the night before his crucifixion.

Any baptized Christian can receive Communion at Restoration; you don't need to be a member of our church. However, only baptized Christians can receive Communion at Restoration. If desired, those who aren't baptized Christians are invited to come forward during Communion to receive a prayer of blessing. We heartily invite any and all to belief and baptism in Christ to join in this family meal! Please make these questions and desires known to us, so we can get you in on the feast of God's grace in Christ!

In addition to regular bread and wine, we also have gluten-free bread and grape juice available; just ask when it's your turn.


We believe that one of the most formative things for kids is to be in worship with the gathered community of believers from as early an age as possible. We invite children to be present in our service at whatever point parents decide. We offer a Nursery (ages 6 months to 2 years) and a Toddlers Room (ages 3 to 4 years) during our service. These children are dropped off by their parents and picked up before Communion. See our Children's Ministry page for more details.