As we are still a young, growing church, all of our ministries are in process. Children’s Ministry included. We currently offer three places for children on Sundays: gathered worship with everyone else, the Nursery and the Toddlers Room.
Under the care and leadership of parents, guardians, and mentors, we invite children to participate in the whole of worship at whatever point is it deemed appropriate by parents. But as an age-appropriate formational and care option we also provide separate spaces for children ages 6 months to 4 years of age.
Children 6 months to 2 years old. It is available right before the beginning of the service through the Passing of the Peace. Kids are dropped off by their parents, and picked up by their parents at the Passing of the Peace to be back for Communion. We will not be changing any diapers, so if that is needed you will be contacted during the service (please keep your phones on vibrate).
The Toddlers Room is offered for children 3-4 years old. It is available right before the beginning of the service through the Passing of the Peace. Kids are dropped off by their parents, and picked up by their parents at the Passing of the Peace to be back for Communion. There is a bible teaching and activity offered to the children in this time.
Those who serve with our children have undergone a process of safety checks and processes. You can learn more about our policies from our church’s diocesan website.